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Stretch marks, are the sixth type of scarring. They appear when the skin is rapidly stretched in a short amount of time, such as growth spurts or pregnancy. The abrupt change causes the collagen and elastin that supports the skin to rupture. The body then proceeds to fill in these sudden gaps with scar tissue. Stretch marks can also appear when the skin is under tension, such as near a joint during the healing process. Multiple breaks between the connecting skin tissue causes a series of these wounds, and they may appear red, purple, or dark brown when new. Fluctuating hormone levels can play a role in their formation as well. Those who have a family history of stretch mark development also have a higher risk of stretch mark development. Common locations for these include the abdomen, thighs, upper arms, buttocks, and lower back. Scar Removal can lighten over time, and it is possible for these stretch marks to be raised or sunken a bit on the surface of the skin. Stretch marks tend to form in areas where fat is commonly distributed, and are most commonly associated with pregnancy, rapid weight gain/loss, and growth spurts during puberty. Those with certain medical conditions such as Cushing’s Disease and Marfan Syndrome can also be more susceptible to stretch marks. Stretch marks can also develop from those who have excellent workout regimes that result in fast muscle growth! Scars and stretch marks become more difficult to treat the older they are. Getting them treated quickly and early allows for the best chances of obtaining the best results.

Stretch Marks Treatments

Stretch Mark Treatment are one of the most difficult cosmetic conditions to treat. Generally, the older a scar is, the tougher it is to get rid of. Because scar development is a natural bodily function, there is no way to stop a scar completely; however, their formation can be limited in the beginning stages as the body heals. Stretch marks in particular are rather tricky to treat. These become a lot more difficult to treat later on, so it is advised to get these treated as soon as possible for the best chances of obtaining the best-looking results.


PRP: PRP Stretch Mark Therapy begins with a blood draw taken from the patient. As your blood is processing, a topical numbing cream is applied to the treatment area to minimize any discomfort experienced. Once the PRP is processed, the platelet poor plasma which is rich in nutrients is used as a lubricant while the area is treated with micro needling. The micro needling stimulates cell regeneration and allows for greater absorption of healing properties of PPP and additional serums applied. Following the micro needling, the PRP is then injected into the areas of concern.

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Fibroblast: Plasma fibroblast treatment may sound like a made-up futuristic invention from the latest science-fiction franchise, but it is one of the newest anti-aging procedures available today. By utilizing the latest in modern beauty business technology, we can easily take care of any loose skin, acne scars, wrinkles, stretch marks, and pigmentation of the skin, all in one convenient, noninvasive treatment. This procedure stimulates cell renewal from the inside out and shows improvement of acne scars, creating smoother skin in just 2 to 3 sessions.


Microneedling: (Collagen induction therapy) – Microneedling can be an effective treatment for scars that are lower in the skin, such as acne scars and stretch marks. Microneedling breaks up the collagen on the existing scar, and stimulates new collagen growth in the affected areas in order to add more volume and a smoother consistency in the skin. This treatment is widely used for patients who are prone to hyperpigmentation. In addition, microneedling also has the benefit of being able to treat fine lines and provide overall rejuvenation of the skin on the face.


Carboxy-Therapy: Involves intradermal or subcutaneous injection of small, controlled amounts of carbon dioxide. The practitioner precisely injects safe and controlled doses of gas depending on the indication and area of to be treated. Carbon dioxide injected into the tissues is interpreted by the body as hypoxia (low oxygen levels), which causes a specific, positive immune response by the body. The inflammation intentionally induced stimulates the release of growth factors (VEGF) in the skin and stimulates fibroblast activity to produce elastin and collagen. The reconstruction of the skin starts from the first treatment, the newly formed collagen fibers are parallel and tightly weaved, and as a result, the skin becomes smoothed and rejuvenated. 


Bio- Fillers: Plasma gel filling is a form of an autologous (made from patients own blood) It is easy to obtain. It replaces Hyaluronic acid fillers and is far more beneficial than treatments such as Botulinum toxin. Plasma gel is a natural product that the body accepts and absorbs easily.


Mesotherapy: The technique uses very fine needles to deliver a series of injections into the middle layer (mesoderm) of skin. The idea behind mesotherapy is that it corrects underlying issues like poor circulation and inflammation that cause skin damage.


Frequently Asked Questions

What things should I avoid before treatment?

Sun exposure should be limited as much as possible before a treatment. No tanning should be done at least 2 weeks prior, and sunscreen with SPF30 or higher should be used every day. Let your doctor know about any medications you are taking or conditions you have as well before your treatment.

Smoking not only slows down the healing process, but also increases the risk of larger scars. Frequent consumption of alcohol and high amounts of caffeine while the wound is healing dehydrates the body and skin, and should both be avoided in the interim.


When can I expect results?

Because these treatment methods require breaking up the old scar and the body must develop new collagen in its place, results will continue to improve over 3-6 months usually. This does vary, however, depending on the treatments used and your body’s own natural healing process. Multiple treatments may be required as well, which can affect the timeframe. Your doctor will be able to provide you with a better timeframe of when you can expect to see results after your treatment regimen has been completed in full.


How do I take care of new scars until my appointment?

Hydration – Proper hydration is especially important while a scar is healing. Scars should be kept well moisturized and well hydrated. It is a misconception that scars should be aired out to dry. This not only causes scabbing which takes even longer to heal, but can potentially cause even MORE scarring.


Nutrition – Having a balanced diet with adequate protein intake is important. Protein makes up the building blocks of healing skin, and facilitates the healing process. Additionally, excess body fat in those who are overweight can impede the skin’s ability to close the wound seamlessly. A healthy body weight ensures that the body is able to perform the healing process more efficiently. Sun exposure – UV radiation from the sun is bad for the skin, and in the case of scarring, can make them appear darker and allow more discoloration. Sunscreen with at least SPF30 or above helps limit the discoloration and protects against the radiation from the sun. Cleanliness – any bandages or wrappings that are used in the area need to be kept clean. The wound should be properly washed and maintained in order to wash out any germs and debris. Hydrogen peroxide should be avoided, as this damages the skin even further. Instead, fresh wounds should be cleaned using soap and water. Stitches are recommended for deeper scars, as this helps the skin heal more smoothly and minimizes the appearance of the scar.


What about home remedies for scar/stretch mark reduction?

There are many common home remedies that are said to help with reducing the appearance of scarring and stretch marks, such as aloe vera, honey, olive oil, and cocoa butter just to name a few. Some of these remedies do help soften and exfoliate the skin, and don’t do any further harm. However, no studies have proven these treatments to be effective in reducing the appearance of scars. The treatments offered by a medical professional have research and evidence to prove their effectiveness in reducing the visibility of scarring & stretch marks.

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