PRP for Scars
Numerous treatments exist for scar revision and often the bestcosmetic outcomes are achieved by combining therapies.
An ideal cosmetic treatment would stimulate a wound healing andrepair mechanism without the associated risks of the injury itself. Biostimulation with autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has the potential to reverse the damage seen in aged skin on a molecular level by releasing growth factors designed to repair the damage without the associated risks of other treatment modalities. By using autologous blood products, there is no risk associated with foreign materials and a wound healing response can be triggered without actually causing gross injury. Additionally, PRP may be used to augment and enhance recovery from other treatments. In the past decade, PRP has been used either by itself or in combination with other procedures for skin rejuvenation and augmentation.

Types of scars PRP can treat
PRP shows much early potential in aiding the healing of scars and other types of injuries. A literature review in the peer-reviewed journal Scars, Burns and Healing concludes that PRP shows promise in reducing the visibility of several types of scars, especially when used in conjunction with laser treatment.

Atrophic scars from acne or chickenpox
If you had severe acne or a serious case of chickenpox which left you with visible scarring on your face or other parts of your body, you likely want to do everything you can to smooth them away.
Either condition may have created atrophic scars. They can appear as numerous pock-like areas on your skin where the skin is indented with small boxes with defined sides and a bottom. Alternatively, they may look like deep pores. Either way, the scars developed because your skin wasn’t able to produce new tissue there. Research indicates that PRP helps in improving the appearance of atrophic scars.

Hypertrophic scars
Another type of scar, a hypertrophic scar, appears as thick skin that’s raised above the level of the surrounding skin. This type of scar comes from some type of trauma to the skin, whether it’s from an accident or a surgical scar, such as from a Caesarean section. Evidence suggests that PRP can aid in wound healing and improve the appearance of hypertrophic scars. When used together with a special type of laser, the color, shape, and texture of the scar improves significantly.

Keloid scars
A keloid scar is raised and sometimes wrinkled skin that moves outside of the original wound. It can occur after any type of trauma to the skin. These scars are much more common in dark-skinned individuals. While more research is still needed, studies indicate that PRP may not be as effective on keloid scars as on the other types of scars.
Why wait another day to have smoother, clearer skin with less visible scarring? Call or book an appointment online with us at Biz MedSpa to learn more about how PRP can help improve the appearance of your scars. Call our office in Fremont, California, or click the button to book online.