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Extended Happy Trail Laser Hair Removal for women in NYC

Extended Happy Trail Laser Hair Removal for women in NYC

$162.00 Regular Price
$137.70Sale Price



Laser Hair Removal is a revolutionary hair removal solution, happy trail  laser hair removal you can achieve a totally hair free happy trail with only 6-12 treatments. Treatments on the body area are spaced out with 6-8 week gaps between treatments.


This 6-8 week gap between laser hair removal treatments allows time for the hair growth cycle to resume. Hair growth is needed in order to give the laser a target for attack during each treatment. You may or may not see the hair or a percentage of hair grow back during the break between treatments. You are allowed to shave or bleach between treatments if you start feeling self-conscious but no waxing, epilating or plucking is allowed as the root of the hair needs to remain in tact for the laser to attack on your next treatment.


You may experience some redness immediately following your treatment but it doesn’t last long and will certainly be gone after a few hours. It is worth planning ahead though and having your hair removal appointments after work so you can go home and relax afterwards.